Spiritual Corner

Spiritual formation is of paramount priority in our Zdenac-Kisima Tanzania kids as well as volunteers

Zdenac-Kisima Tanzania Spiritual Corner are as follows:

  • Every Saturday before beginning activities students and volunteers conduct a prayer which makes them commit themselves in the hands of God.

  • Every Wednesday we have Bible Workshop whereby parents, kids and volunteers meet in the Zdenac-Kisima office for reflections of the Gospel reading of the following Sunday. Every participant is given a chance to provide his or her own views about the reading in the way he or she is touched in heart.

  • Every second alternative Sunday the Zdenac Kisima students conduct the choir songs in the children's mass in the Parish which is celebrated every Sunday at 4.30 P.M.

  • Once in a year students and volunteers are required to participate in a one day retreat where they get a chance to receive the Sacraments of confession and the Holy Eucharist.

  • Hostel girls and boys led by their matron and patron respectively, have morning prayers every day before they depart for studies to their respective schools. In the evening they have vesper prayers and Compline.

  • Before getting their meals and breakfast students pray the prayer of food blessing as well as thanksgiving prayer after meals.

  • Above all members of Zdenac-Kisima are formed to be honest, to live a good moral life with good manners by loving God and other human beings.